Venture capitalist expert to speak at UAF


Venture capitalist expert to speak at UAF

Submitted by Sonja Bickford
Phone: 455-2013


UAF Seminar Series for Aspiring Entrepreneurs äóìAll you need to know about Venture Capitalismäó?

Fairbanks, AK- Would you like to know more or have questions about how to find capital for starting and growing your own business ideas?

Brad Feld, the managing director of Mobius Venture Capital’s current and prior technology funds, will discuss and answer questions about venture capitalism as part of the NanookTechs’ "Accelerating Economic Development in the Arctic" seminar this week.

Feld will be speaking at UAF’s School of Management (SOM) on Friday, August 26 at 2 p.m. Accelerating Economic Development in the Arctic seminars are open to UAF faculty, staff and students as well as to the general public.

Brad Feld joined Mobius Venture Capital in 1996. In 1995 he founded Intensity Ventures, a company that helps launch and operate software companies. He has served as chief technology officer of AmeriData Technologies which he developed into one of Boston’s leading software consulting firms. Currently, Feld also serves as the director or advisor to several current and past technology fund portfolio companies and other internet-related and software companies.

UAF’s School of Management and Office of Electronic Miniaturization are hosting the "Accelerating Economic Development in the Arctic" seminar series at the UAF campus. The seminar series is organized by the NanookTech Accelerator. The goal of the seminars and speakers is to educate and broaden participants’ understanding about accelerators and the business development that occurs in an accelerator. Presentations in the series will define the accelerator concept and include explanations of how an accelerator can help aspiring entrepreneurs, local businesses, the university, the broader community, and the state.

"We want to educate both the UAF as well as the Fairbanks community on what makes up our economy, how it works, how it evolves or develops, what the basic capacity building blocks are, and what roles the university, technology transfer, research, Accelerator, venture capitalists, etc. play in the mix," said Charlie Walker, CEO of the Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation.

NanookTech Accelerator is an education, business, and economic development project launched cooperatively by Fairbanks Economic Development Corporation, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks North Star Borough and the City of Fairbanks. It is designed to support the development of start-up businesses in Alaska.

A downloadable flier is available online at:

CONTACT: Sonja Bickford (907) 455-2013 or