Weekly science calendar
Weekly science calendar
Submitted by Center for Global Change
Phone: (907) 474-5818
Tuesday, Oct. 17
1-2 p.m. - 201 Irving I
Biobites--Biology Graduate Student Association Seminar
Bioinformatics Resources at UAF
Jim Long, Biotechnology Computing Research Group, Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: James Stone
4 p.m. - 201 Natural Sciences Facility
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Seminar
The Hydroxyl Radical: The Troposphere’s Most Powerful and Elusive Oxidant
Rodney Guritz, undergraduate student, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UAF
Information: Clara Deal, 474-1875 or UAF Chemistry Department
Wednesday, Oct. 18
1:30 p.m. - 401 IARC
Atmospheric Science Informal Seminar
Development of a Tool for Use of Climate Forecasts for Regional and Local Applications
Nicole Molders, GI Atmospheric Sciences Group and CNSM Atmospheric Sciences Program,
Information: Nicole Molders (474-7910)
1:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Alaska Satellite Facility Technical Seminar
Deriving Wind Speed from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images
Jeremy Nicoll, Alaska Satellite Facility, UAF
Information: Rudi Gens (474-7621)
3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Institute of Marine Science Seminar
Title TBA
Terry Whitledge, Director, Institute of Marine Science, School of Fisheries and Ocean
Sciences, UAF
Information: Natalie Monacci, John Kelley or http://www.sfos.uaf.edu/events/
Thursday, Oct. 19
2-3 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics Seminar
Plant-Microbe Interactions in Pollutant Degradation
Mary Beth Leigh, Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: Trina Roberts (474-1195)
Friday, Oct. 20
3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Life Sciences Seminar Series, sponsored by the Institute of Arctic Biology and the
Department of Biology and Wildlife
The Evolutionary Ecology of Extrafloral Nectaries: Why do Plants Feed Ants?
Diane Wagner, Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: http://www.iab.uaf.edu/events/events.php or 474-7640
3:30 p.m. - 201 Natural Sciences Facility
Department of Geology and Geophysics Seminar
Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Interior Alaska
Dwight Bradley, U.S. Geological Survey, Anchorage
Information: Pam Harris (474-7565)
3:30 p.m. - 531 Duckering Building
Water and Environmental Research Center Seminar
Attenuation of Herbicides in Cold Soils
Will Rhodes and Stacey Frutiger, WERC/INE, UAF
Information: Doug Kane
3:45 p.m. - Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building
Department of Physics Journal Club
Check http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/journal_club.htm or call 474-7339 to see if there’s a presentation scheduled for this week and to
confirm the location.