Weekly science calendar


Weekly science calendar

Submitted by Center for Global Change
Phone: (907) 474-5818


Monday, Oct. 30

Noon - Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building
Geophysical Institute snow, ice and permafrost group brown bag seminar
An Overview of the "Economic Growth-Wildlife" Problem in the Northern Pacific Rim
Falk Huettmann, Department of Biology & Wildlife and the Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: Daniel Pringle, 474-1159

Tuesday, Oct. 31

1-2 p.m. - 201 Irving I
Biobites--Biology Graduate Student Association seminar
Parasites and Water Relations in Green Alders
Jennifer Rohrs-Richey, graduate student in Biology & Wildlife
Information: James Stone

3:40-5:20 p.m. - 201B Natural Sciences Facility
Scholarships and Job Opportunities in the Intelligence Community
Students who are U.S. citizens and majoring in science, engineering, mathematics, geography, computer science, linguistics, languages, etc. are invited to come learn about the wide variety of scholarship and job opportunities available through many of the U.S. Intelligence Agencies.
Information: Cathy Cahill (474-6905)

4-5 p.m. - 202 Natural Sciences Facility
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry seminar
Variability in N2O5 Surface Reaction Probability in the Nighttime Atmosphere
Deanna Huff, graduate student, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, UAF
Information: Clara Deal, 474-1875 or UAF Chemistry Department

Wednesday, Nov. 1

1:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Alaska Satellite Facility technical seminar
Satellite Observations and Analyses of North Pacific Volcanoes
Ken Dean, Geophysical Institute, UAF
Information: Rudi Gens (474-7621)

3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Institute of Marine Science seminar
The Ghost Mountain Track: An Adventure in Papua New Guinea
Dave Musgrave, Institute of Marine Science, UAF
Information: Natalie Monacci, John Kelley or http://www.sfos.uaf.edu/events/

Thursday, Nov. 2

2-3 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics seminar
On Clocks, Rocks and Diversification in Selected Plant Lineages
Stefanie Ickert-Bond, UA Museum of the North and the Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: Trina Roberts (474-1195)

Friday, Nov. 3

3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Life Sciences Seminar Series, sponsored by the Institute of Arctic Biology and the Department of Biology and Wildlife
Revitalizing the Role of Museum Collections in Science and Society
Kevin Winker, UA Museum of the North and the Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: http://www.iab.uaf.edu/events/events.php or 474-7640

3:30 p.m. - 201 Natural Sciences Facility
Department of Geology and Geophysics seminar
Tales from the Bottom of the Sea: Eruptions from an Ancient, Submarine Volcanic Complex, New South Wales, Australia
Kate Bull, Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys
Information: 474-7565

3:30 p.m. - 531 Duckering Building
Water and Environmental Research Center seminar
Springwater Chemistry of the Brooks Range
Sarah Seelen, graduate student, C&EE, UAF
Information: Doug Kane

3:45 p.m. - Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building
Department of Physics Journal Club
Check http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/journal_club.htm or call 474-7339 to see if there’s a presentation scheduled for this week and to confirm the location.

Undergraduate support opportunity
The Alaska INBRE Program announces a competition for spring semester 2007 Undergraduate Student Project Support (USPS). Deadline is Nov. 27, 2006. For information and application, please e-mail inbre@alaska.edu or call Sue Hills (474-5106) or Cathy Griseto (474-1527).