Staff Council and Governance Coordinating Committee - December 2006 calendar


Staff Council and Governance Coordinating Committee - December 2006 calendar

Submitted by Lynette Washington
Phone: (907) 474-7056


Staff Council dial-in information for all committees:
Conference call access number: 1-800-893-8850
Chair PIN: 8244640
Participant PIN: 8244236

Friday, Dec. 1, 2006
1:30-2:30 p.m.
Rural Affairs Committee
Audio conference: 1-800-893-8850
Note: chair and participant information is referenced above
Contact: Barbara Oleson, chair
(907) 443-8402 or via e-mail at

Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2006
12-1 p.m.
Elections, Membership and Rules Committee
SIH, Chancelloräó»s Conference Room
Contact: Leach Swasey, chair
(907) 474-7719 or via e-mail at

Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2006
12-1:30 p.m.
Administrative Committee
Wood Center Conference Room B
Contact: Jeff Stepp, chair
(907) 474-6026 or via e-mail at

2-3 p.m.
Pre-Staff Council meeting
Chancelloräó»s office
Contact: Jeff Stepp, chair
(907) 474-6026 or via e-mail at

5:30-7 p.m.
Chancelloräó»s reception for Staff Council members
Chancelloräó»s residence
610 Kobuk, UAF campus

Friday, Dec. 8, 2006
4-6 p.m.
Chancelloräó»s campus-wide holiday party
Wood Center multi-level lounge area

Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2006
Staff Alliance
Location: TBA

2-3:30 p.m.
GCC #71 meeting
Chancelloräó»s Conference Room
Contact: Sven Gilkey, chair

Friday, Dec. 15, 2006
8:45-11 a.m.
UAF Staff Council meeting #176
Wood Center Ballroom
Contact: Jeff Stepp, president
(907) 474-6026 or via e-mail at

Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2006
9-10 a.m.
Staff Affairs Committee
Chancelloräó»s Conference Room
Contact: Liam Forbes, chair
(907) 450-8618 or e-mail at

Holidays: Dec. 25-Jan. 2