2007 Global Change Student Grant Competition


2007 Global Change Student Grant Competition

Submitted by Center for Global Change
Phone: (907) 474-5818


Applications and guidelines for the 2007 Global Change Student Research Grant Competition are now at http://www.cgc.uaf.edu. Paper copies are available from the Center for Global Change in 306 IARC or from the graduate school office in 202 Eielson.

This competition is open to both undergraduate and graduate students at UAF and is designed to provide experience with proposal writing and the peer-review system practiced by science funding agencies. The proposed work may involve the biological, physical, and social sciences and engineering, but students must articulate the relevance of their proposal to global change or its effect upon arctic or subarctic processes, ecosystems and/or societies. Faculty mentors are strongly encouraged to assist by advising and reviewing student proposals prior to submission.

The competition is sponsored by the UAF Center for Global Change and Arctic System Research in partnership with the Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research and the International Arctic Research Center.