Weekly science calendar


Weekly science calendar

Submitted by Center for Global Change
Phone: (907) 474-5818


Tuesday, Feb. 6

1:15-2:15 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
AQC Bering Sea Seminar Series, sponsored by the Alaska Quaternary Center, College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Chapman Professorship
The Quaternary Glacial Record of the Bering Sea Region
Patricia Heiser, geography, UAF
Information: Nancy Bigelow (474-5433); http://www.uaf.edu/aqc/bss.htm

7 p.m. - Gold Room, Fairbanks Westmark Hotel (813 Noble Street, downtown Fairbanks)
Science for Alaska Lecture Series
A Different Season: People in a Changing Climate
Lilian Alessa, University of Alaska Anchorage
Information: http://www.scienceforalaska.com or 474-7558

Wednesday, Feb. 7

1:30 p.m. - 417 IARC
Atmospheric Science informal seminar
Polar Amplification
Vladimir Alexeev, International Arctic Research Center, UAF
Information: Nicole Molders (474-7910)

5:30 p.m. - 401 IARC
Presentation at the meeting of the student sub-unit, American Fisheries Society
Fisheries Management History of Lake Victoria, East Africa, and the Role of Wetlands in Conservation of Native Fishes
Amanda Rosenberger, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, UAF
Information: fbafs@uaf.edu

Thursday, Feb. 8

3:40-5 p.m. - Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building
Natural Resource Management Seminar Series--Impacts of a Warming Climate on Natural Resource Management in Alaska (also NRM 692)
Social and Ecological Implications of Changing Climate
Terry Chapin, Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: Scott Rupp (474-7535)

7 p.m. - UA Museum of the North
Free museum lecture
Recording Culture: Ethnographic Film Past and Present
Leonard Kamerling, UA Museum of the North
Information: 474-7505

Friday, Feb. 9

1-2 p.m. - 214 O’Neill Building
Physiology seminar
Taking Control of the Host Cell: An Example from Salmonella
Karsten Heuffer, Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: Cord Brundage (474-5024)

3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Life Sciences Seminar Series, sponsored by the Institute of Arctic Biology and the Department of Biology and Wildlife
Subspecies, Barcoding, and Things I Didn’t Learn in Graduate School: A Paean to Multidimensional Problem Solving
Kevin Winker, UA Museum of the North and Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: http://www.iab.uaf.edu/events/events.php or 474-7640/7412

3:30 p.m. - 201 Natural Sciences Facility
Department of geology and geophysics seminar
Coal Fire: Mapping, Monitoring, Modeling, and Emission Trading
Anupma Prakash, Geophysical Institute and the department of geology and geophysics, UAF
Information: 474-7565

3:30 p.m. - 531 Duckering Building
Water and Environmental Research Center seminar
Development of Novel Methods for Cell Immobilization to Produce Innovative Biosorbents for the Treatment of Wastewater
Muhammad Iqbal, IPY postdoc, WERC, UAF
Information: Sandra Boatwright (474-7209)

3:45 p.m. - Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building
Department of Physics journal club
Check http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/journal_club.htm or call 474-7339 to see if there’s a presentation scheduled for this week and to confirm the location

EPSCoR Summer Undergraduate Research Awards
Friday, Feb. 23 is the last day to apply for EPSCoR’s summer 2007 undergraduate research awards. These awards are for student-initiated research projects, which may be in any science discipline funded by the National Science Foundation. See http://www.alaska.edu/epscor for full information and an application form.

2007 Global Change Student Grant Competition
Information and application packets are now available for the 2007 Global Change Student Research Grant Competition (http://www.cgc.uaf.edu or pick up from CGC in Room 306 IARC or from the Graduate School, Room 202 Eielson). Application deadline is Friday, Feb. 23, 2007.