Weekly science calendar
Weekly science calendar
Submitted by Center for Global Change
Phone: (907) 474-5818
The most current version of this calendar may be found at http://www.cgc.uaf.edu/calendar.html
This issue covers two weeks, including spring break. Friday, March 16 is a UAF holiday.
Monday, March 5
1:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Special Chapman Chair lecture
AIDJEX Revisited, 30 Years Later: A Look Back at the USA-Canadian Arctic Ice Dynamics
Joint Experiment 1970-1978
Norbert Untersteiner, professor emeritus, University of Washington
Information: Uma Bhatt (474-2662)
4:40 p.m. - 202 Natural Sciences Facility
Biochemistry/molecular biology faculty candidate research seminar
Mechanistic Insights into RNA Chaperone Activities that are Essential for Ribosome
Tímea Gérczei, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Sciences
Information: Sheila Chapin (474-5510)
5:15 p.m. - 303 Irving I (Computer Lab)
Computer tool box workshops for biologists, sponsored by INBRE
Using Bioinformatics Login-cluster and Tutorials of UNIX Fundamentals
Shawn Houston, Biotechnology Research Group, INBRE/IAB, UAF
Information: Heather Huson
Tuesday, March 6
1:15-2:15 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
AQC Bering Sea Seminar Series, sponsored by the Alaska Quaternary Center, the College
of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Chapman Professorship
Origin of Pingo-like Features on the Beaufort Sea Shelf and their Possible Relationship
to Decomposing Methane Gas Hydrates
Charlie Paull, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Information: Nancy Bigelow (474-5433); http://www.uaf.edu/aqc/bss.htm
3:40-5:15 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Chapman Chair Lecture Series
Organic Carbon in the Arctic Ocean: A Look at Budgets and the Prospects for Change
Robie Macdonald, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Information: Uma Bhatt (474-2662)
4 p.m. - 201 Natural Sciences Facility
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry seminar
Characterization of the Liquid/Vapor Interface of Alkali-Halide Solutions
Ashley Jones, undergraduate student, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, UAF
Information: Clara Deal (474-1875)
7 p.m. - UA Museum of the North
Free IPY museum lecture
International Polar Year: Past, Present and Future
Carl Benson, Professor Emeritus, GI/UAF and colleagues Neil Davis, Hajo Eicken and
Amy Tidwell
Information: 474-7505, http://www.uaf.edu/museum
Wednesday, March 7
1:30 p.m. - 401 IARC
Atmospheric science informal seminar
The Impact of Arctic Sea Ice on the Atmosphere during Summer
Uma Bhatt, GI Atmospheric Sciences and CSEM Atmospheric Science Program
Information: Nicole Molders (474-7910)
3:30 p.m. - 201 Irving I
Freshwater Ecosystems Seminar Series
Terrestrial and Aquatic Linkages in the Alaskan Coastal Temperate Rainforest
Dave D’Amore, USDA Forest Service, Juneau
Information: Mark Wipfli (474-6654)
3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Institute of Marine Science seminar
Recent Sediment Transport Events in Monterey Canyon and Fan Channel
Charlie Paull, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Information: http://www.sfos.uaf.edu , Madeline Scholl (474-6786), or Nancy Bigelow (474-5433). This seminar is co-sponsored by the Alaska Quaternary Center.
5:30 p.m. - 401 IARC
Presentation at the meeting of the student sub-unit, American Fisheries Society
Differences in Headwater Stream Invertebrate Communities across Logging and Climatic
Gradients in the Cascade Range, Washington
R. Bruce Medhurst, graduate student in biology, UAF
Information: AFS student sub-unit
Thursday, March 8
1 p.m. - 106 Chapman Building
Department of Mathematics and Statistics colloquium
Measuring Velocities at the Bottom of a Glacier: the Use and Limitations of Inverse
David Maxwell, mathematics and statistics, UAF
Information: http://www.math.uaf.edu/dms/Colloquium.html or David Maxwell
3:40-5 p.m. - 183 Arctic Health Research Building
Natural Resource Management Seminar Series--Impacts of a Warming Climate on Natural
Resource Management in Alaska (also NRM 692)
Management and Conservation of Wildlife in a Changing Arctic Environment
David Klein, professor emeritus, IAB/UAF
Information: Scott Rupp (474-7535)
3:40-5:15 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Chapman Chair Lecture Series
Contaminants in the Arctic: Pathways and Change
Robie Macdonald, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Information: Uma Bhatt (474-2662)
4 p.m. - 201A Natural Sciences Facility
Biochemistry/molecular biology faculty candidate research seminar
Mechanisms of Arsenic-induced Neurotoxicity
Marina R. Castillo, Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: Sheila Chapin (474-5510)
Friday, March 9
1-2 p.m. - 109 Butrovich Bldg. (Regents’ Conference Room)
Physiology seminar
The Tyranny of the Golden Mean 20 (or more) Years On: Individual Variation in Physiological
Tony Williams, Simon Fraser University
Information: Cord Brundage (474-5024)
1-5 p.m. - 009 West Ridge Research Building
Arctic Region Supercomputing Center
ARSC spring training: The Basics of MATLAB
Registration required; see http://www.arsc.edu
Information: http://www.arsc.edu or Chris Fallen
3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Life Sciences Seminar Series, sponsored by the Institute of Arctic Biology and the
Department of Biology and Wildlife
Hummingbird Evolution into the Andes: History Revealed by the Integration of Molecular
Systematics and Physiology
Christopher Witt, Museum of Southern Biology, University of New Mexico
Information: http://www.iab.uaf.edu or 474-7640/7412
3:30 p.m. - 201 Natural Sciences Facility
Department of Geology and Geophysics seminar
Tree-ring Research on Driftwood for the Study of Human Use of Wood along Coastal
Claire Alix, Alaska Quaternary Center, UAF
Information: 474-7565
3:45 p.m. - Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building
Department of Physics Journal Club
Check http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/journal_club.htm
or call 474-7339 to see if there’s a presentation scheduled for this week and to
confirm the location.
Monday, March 12
7 p.m. - Charles W. Davis Concert Hall
UAF International Polar Year Visiting Author Series
Lecture by Tim Flannery, author of The Weather Makers: How Man is Changing the Climate
and What It Means for Life on Earth
Information: UAF IPY (474-5479)
Wednesday, March 14
Noon-1 p.m. - Alaska Department of Natural Resources (University Ave. and Airport
Way), large conference room
Brown bag luncheon/presentation, Alaska Section of the American Water Resources Association
A Numerical Approach to Studying Turbidity Currents in Reservoirs
Horacio Toniolo, Institute of Northern Engineering, College of Engineering and Mines,
Information: Horacio Toniolo
Thursday, March 15
10 a.m. - 201A Natural Sciences Facility
Department of Biology and Wildlife thesis defense
Oil and Wildfire Effects on Nutrient Cycling and Microbial Diversity in Subarctic
Mineral Soils
Jessica Garron, M.S. candidate
Information: Jessica Garron (474-7114)
The most current version of this calendar is available at http://www.cgc.uaf.edu. Submit information by noon on Wednesday the week before your event to cgc@iarc.uaf.edu, by fax to 474-6722, or call 474-5818. This calendar will announce any lecture, seminar, workshop, thesis or dissertation defense or other campus event with a science focus.
Sponsored by the Center for Global Change and Arctic System Research as a service to the UAF community.