Weekly science calendar


Weekly science calendar

Submitted by Center for Global Change
Phone: (907) 474-5818


The most current version of this calendar may be found at http://www.cgc.uaf.edu/calendar.html

Tuesday, April 3

1:15-2:15 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
AQC Bering Sea Seminar Series, sponsored by the Alaska Quaternary Center, the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and the Chapman Professorship
Feeding the Upper Trophic Levels of the Bering Sea
Terry Whitledge, Institute of Marine Science, SFOS/UAF
Information: Nancy Bigelow (474-5433); http://www.uaf.edu/aqc/bss.htm

Wednesday, April 4

10:30 a.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Department of Biology and Wildlife thesis defense
Stress Physiology and Breeding Seabirds: Coping with a Variable Food Supply
Michael T. Shultz, M.S. candidate
Information: Mike Shultz

3:30 p.m. - 109 Butrovich NEW LOCATION
Freshwater Ecosystems Seminar Series
Development and Implementation of Habitat Availability Models to Determine Lake Sturgeon Restoration Strategies
Trent Sutton, Purdue University
Information: Mark Wipfli (474-6654)

3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Institute of Marine Science seminar
Underwater Ambient Noise
Peter Dahl, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington
Information: http://www.sfos.uaf.edu/events/ or Madeline Scholl (474-6786)

5:30 p.m. - 417 IARC
Presentation at the meeting of the student sub-unit, American Fisheries Society
Stream Restoration and Community Development in Newly Restored Fish Habitat: Effects of Nutrient and Wood Supplementation, Kenai Peninsula
Aaron Martin, graduate student in Fisheries, UAF
Information: AFS student sub-unit

Thursday, April 5

3:40-5 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Natural Resource Management Seminar Series--Impacts of a Warming Climate on Natural Resource Management in Alaska (also NRM 692)
Infrastructure and Engineering in a Warming Arctic
Daniel White, Institute of Northern Engineering, UAF
Information: Scott Rupp (474-7535)

3:45-5:15 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Seminar sponsored by the Alaska Quaternary Center
Arctic Ground Squirrels of the Mammoth-Steppe
Grant Zazula, Yukon Palaeontology Program, Dept. of Tourism and Culture, Government of Yukon
Information: Nancy Bigelow (474-5433)

Friday, April 6

8 a.m.-5 p.m. - Cold Climate Housing Research Center
Workshop held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Water Resources Association, Alaska Section
Setting up an Arctic Hydrologic and Meteorologic Data Collection Station
There is a cost for this workshop and registration is required. See workshop web site for details.

10 a.m. - 109 Butrovich Bldg. (Regents’ Conf. Room)
Department of Biology and Wildlife thesis defense
Summer Ecology of the Teshekpuk Herd
Lincoln Parrett, M.S. candidate
Information: 474-5404

1-2 p.m. - 138 Irving II
Physiology seminars
Gene Expression in Low-pathogenic Avian Influenza Infection
Keiko Akasofu, Biology and Wildlife graduate student; and
Effect of Oxidation on Dynamics of Actin Cytoskeleton
Sayali Kulkarni, Chemistry and Biochemistry graduate student
Information: Cord Brundage (474-5024)

1-5 p.m. - 009 West Ridge Research Building
Arctic Region Supercomputing Center
ARSC Spring Training: MATLAB Part 2
Registration required; see http://www.arsc.edu
Information: http://www.arsc.edu or Chris Fallen

3:30 p.m. - Elvey Auditorium, 214 Elvey Building
Life Sciences Seminar Series, sponsored by the Institute of Arctic Biology and the Department of Biology and Wildlife
People Awakening: A Long-term Research Agenda to Create Evidence Based Practices for the Prevention of Alcohol Abuse and Suicide among Alaska Natives
Gerald Mohatt, Center for Alaska Native Health Research, Institute of Arctic Biology, UAF
Information: http://www.iab.uaf.edu or 474-7640/7412

3:30 p.m. - 201 Natural Sciences Facility
Department of Geology and Geophysics seminar
Rotating Blocks in Cascadia: Controls on Seismicity and Volcanism
Roy Wells, U.S. Geological Survey
Information: 474-7565

3:30 p.m. - 304 Eielson Building
Anthropology Colloquium Series
Yukon Alpine Ice Patches--Update on Recent Investigations 2004-2006
Greg Hare, Yukon Government Heritage Branch
Information: 474-7288, Nancy Bigelow

3:30 p.m. - 531 Duckering Building
Water and Environmental Research Center seminar
Title TBD
Chad Cormack, graduate student in Engineering, UAF
Information: Doug Kane (474-7808)

3:45 p.m. - Globe Room, 215 Elvey Building
Department of Physics Journal Club
Check http://ffden-2.phys.uaf.edu/journal_club.htm
or call 474-7339 to see if there’s a presentation scheduled for this week and to confirm the location.

7:30 p.m. - Charles W. Davis Concert Hall
UAF International Polar Year Visiting Author Series
Lecture by Tom Barnett, author of The Pentagon’s New Map
A booksigning will follow the lecture.
Information: fyipy@uaf.edu, 474-5IPY (474-5479)

Sponsored by the Center for Global Change and Arctic System Research as a service to the UAF community.