Jones pens feature for Fish Alaska


Jones pens feature for Fish Alaska

Submitted by Amy Hartley
Phone: (907) 474-5823


In its June 2007 issue, Fish Alaska magazine will highlight the University of Alaska Fairbanksäó» fly-fishing classes and other University of Alaska sport fishing education offerings in a five-page feature article authored by Shann Paul Jones. Jones is an instructor of outdoor education for Tanana Valley Campus and UAF Summer Sessions.

Jonesäó» piece, Aquatic Education in Alaska, focuses on the breadth and depth of Alaska sport fishing opportunities, sponsored by the many UA institutions. Fish Alaska is published 10 times per year by Fish Alaska Publications of Anchorage and is distributed nationwide.

Through UAF Summer Sessions, Jones in 2001 developed the first postsecondary sport fishing education program. Since then, his popular fly-fishing and fly-tying courses and workshops have been offered every semester.

To peruse the online version of Fish Alaska, visit

CONTACT: Shann Paul Jones, adjunct instructor of outdoor recreation, at (907) 474-7790 or at