Move to Google applications underway this fall


Move to Google applications underway this fall

Submitted by Carla Browning
Phone: 907-474-7778


In the next few weeks, staff, faculty and students at the University of Alaska Fairbanks will begin using Google Applications for Education for e-mail and other core information technology services. The move will reduce redundant services offered by both UAF and at the statewide offices and save money.

äóìWe continue to look for ways to improve our services,äó? said said Karl Kowalski, executive director for user services, with the Office of Information Technology.

äóìOnce fully converted to Google, the savings will be significant with an initial savings of approximately $90,000 in software costs and longer term hardware cost äó| in the neighborhood of $150,000. We expect the savings can be redirected toward other projects that have been backlogged due to lack of resources and manpower.äó?

In addition to e-mail, UAF and the statewide system offices will have access to shared calendars, instant messaging, word processing, spreadsheets and applications designed to create slideshow presentations. The university will begin inviting students to opt in this October with a phased-in approach over the course of the academic year. Once converted, staff, faculty and students e-mail addresses will all end in

Nearly 200 people participated in tests last month and more than 80 percent of those participating had positive things to say about the applications. All services are hosted by Google and are available to users via the Internet as well as on many mobile devices. The package includes the following services:

Gmail -- provides gigabytes of email storage, spam filters and search features
Google -- Calendar- for online coordination of schedules, meetings and events
Google Talk -- supports free PC-to-PC voice calls and instant messaging
Google Docs -- to create and collaborate on documents and spreadsheets
Google Sites -- for team website creation, embedded videos, images and sgadgets

Visit or the FAQs for more information.

CONTACT: Karl Kowalski, OIT user services, at (907) 450-8440 or via e-mail at