UAF Chukchi Campus Professors Receive Free Speech Award

Submitted by Carla Browning
Phone: (907) 474-7778

Professors from the University of Alaska Fairbanks Chukchi Campus in Kotzebue received an award from the Alaska Civil Liberties Union Foundation. John Creed and Susan Andrews, both professors of English and journalism, will receive the ACLU Champions of Free Speech award.

The award was presented during the 2002 Liberty Awards Ceremony featuring a keynote speech entitled, "The Ashcroft Assault on Freedom" by Gregory T. Nojeim, Associate Director and Chief Legislative Counsel, ACLU Washington National Office.

Other award winners are Lara Ashenbrenner, Charlie Parr Lifetime Achievement Award; Suzanne La Pierre and Jonathan Rubini, Civil Libertarians of the Year; Mike Williams, Champion of Equal Rights; and Robin Smith, Champion of Women’s Rights.