Campus Observes Banned Books Week Sept. 21-28

Submitted by Dennis Stephens
Phone: (907) 474-6695

The UAF Bookstore, Rasmuson Library, BioSciences Library, and Mather Library of the Geophysical Institute/International Arctic Research Center will observe the national campaign "Let Freedom Read" during national Banned Books Week, Sept. 21-28, 2002.

This is the 21st annual celebration of the freedom to read in the USA.

"Firmly rooted in the U.S. Constitution, the rights to freedom of speech and freedom of the press require continuing vigilance to keep them vital, especially in the midst of our war on terrorism," said Dennis Stephens, Rasmuson Library Collection Development Officer.

"My Values Are Not Yours," a special art exhibit by Kathleen Young-Maple, UAF student and Rasmuson Library staff member, is featured at Rasmuson Library. The exhibit highlights books challenged or removed from libraries in Alaska.

A program on Friday, Sept. 27, at 10:30 a.m. will take place at the Wood Center Mall on campus and will feature speakers including Roy Bird, director of the UAF Honors Program, Paul McCarthy, director of libraries and information technology and June Pinnell-Stephens, president of the board of the Alaska Civil Liberties Union.

Readers are needed for 10-minute slots from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. To sign up as a reader, e-mail: Jennie at the bookstore at or call her at 474-6858, to reserve a spot and tell her what you’ll be reading.

"From the Bible to Charles Darwin to Harry Potter, there’s no shortage of banned or challenged books to choose from," said Stephens.

A list of some 40 titles challenged or banned in 2001-2002, as well as a more comprehensive list, "Caution: Some People Consider These Books Dangerous," is available at Rasmuson Library’s Reserve Desk. A list of frequently challenged books is also available online. The bookstore has in stock many of the books appearing on these lists, as do the UAF libraries. For assistance call Dennis Stephens, 474-6695; Jennie Witter at the UAF Bookstore, 474-6858; or Judie Triplehorn at Mather Library, 474-7512.

National Banned Books Week is sponsored by the American Booksellers Association, the American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression, the American Library Association, the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Association of American Publishers, and the National Association of College Stores. It is endorsed by the Center for the Book of the Library of Congress.