National History Day at UAF

Submitted by Michael Wright
Phone: (907) 474-7581

The University of Alaska Fairbanks history department is sponsoring National History Day 2003 at UAF Feb. 12 - 14, 2003 in the Wood Center Carol Brown Ballroom. This year’s theme is "Rights and Responsibilities in History."

National History Day is a nationwide annual event focused on the study and knowledge of people and events that have shaped the modern world. This year an estimated 500,000 students will participate in local and state fairs across the country. Top entrants in the local and state fairs are eligible to compete in the national contest held in June 2003 at the University of Maryland in College Park.

UAF has hosted National History Day for the past four years with more than a thousand local high school students participating over that time.

"National History Day is an example of the partnership between UAF and the local school district to improve educational opportunities for local students," said Terrence Cole, History Day coordinator.

Exhibits will be open to the public for viewing on Feb. 13. The awards ceremony will take place Feb. 14 at 10 a.m. UAF Chancellor Marshall Lind will give welcoming remarks and UA President Mark Hamilton will be the guest speaker.

Exhibit prizes were provided by the UAF Bookstore and Wells Fargo.

CONTACT: Terrence Cole, UAF Department of History, at (907) 474-7126 or