ARSC hosts Discovery Tuesdays


ARSC hosts Discovery Tuesdays

Submitted by Jenn Wagaman
Phone: (907) 4744-6551


Curious about what’s going on in the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center’s Discovery Lab? Interested in learning about how you might use the lab to enhance your teaching or research efforts? ARSC announces the first in a series of Discovery Tuesdays, lectures designed to inform the UAF community about the Discovery Lab and the research that is currently underway in the facility.

On the first Tuesday of each month, ARSC will host a lecture in the lab. Discovery Tuesdays are open to all interested faculty, staff and students. Scheduled topics already include interactivity, bioinformatics, space weather and art.

The first lecture, which will be held February 3rd at 1 p.m., will be presented by ARSC/UAF Computer Science joint appointee Chris Hartman and is titled "Interactivity and Discovery Lab Application Design." The Discovery Lab is located in 375 Rasmuson. For more information, contact or 474-6935.