UAF chancellor search committee named


UAF chancellor search committee named

Submitted by Debra Damron
Phone: 474-7122


A 27-member committee selected by University of Alaska President Mark Hamilton is conducting a comprehensive and intensive nationwide search for a new chancellor for the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

UAF Chancellor Marshall Lind announced in September his plans to retire July 1, 2004, having served as an educator for more than 40 years in a variety of administrative and teaching positions throughout Alaska. He leaves UAF after four consecutive years of enrollment and programmatic growth, and the largest construction period in the university’s history. Hamilton appointed Lind UAF chancellor in August 1999. At the time, Lind was serving as chancellor of the University of Alaska Southeast.

Hamilton charged committee members, representing a broad range of backgrounds and interests, to cast a wide net in its search. Committee chair Hans Nielsen, professor of geophysics, said he expects to present a short list of candidates to the president for consideration by the end of April.

"The time is very short," Nielsen said. "But it is vitally important that we have finalists visit UAF before the end of the spring semester. Faculty and students must have a chance to interact with the candidates, which would not be the case should the visits take place during the summer."

Nielsen also stressed the importance of community input into the process and encourages members of the public to voice their opinions on the essential qualities UAF’s next chancellor must possess. Comments from faculty, staff, students, alumni and the Fairbanks community can be provided at any time online via a website created to provide information on the search process at The UAF search committee will also hold an open forum at the Wood Center on the UAF Fairbanks campus Feb. 19 at 4 p.m. to solicit input or answer questions from the public about the search process.

As chief executive officer for UAF, the chancellor oversees the university’s programs in Fairbanks and community campuses in Bethel, Dillingham, Kotzebue and Nome as well as a number of learning centers, extension offices and outreach locations serving more than 140 Alaska communities.

UAF is the only doctoral degree-granting institution in Alaska and has a number of high-quality programs which, combined with a unique location in the North, provide opportunities for growth.

The last few years have been marked by a significant increase in research activities at UAF, especially in the areas of health and biomedical research. Research dollars have nearly doubled since 1997 reaching nearly $100 million in 2002.

As one of only a handful of universities and colleges nationwide with the triple crown status of Land, Sea and Space Grant institution, UAF integrates teaching and learning with research and public service. This broad mission is reflected in the composition of the UAF chancellor search committee. The complete list of names of those serving on the committee is available at

CONTACT: UAF Search Committee Information Officer Debra Damron (907) 474-7122 or e-mail at