"Winter Shorts" warms up the funny bone


"Winter Shorts" warms up the funny bone

Submitted by Maya Salganek
Phone: (907) 474-6590


The Student Drama Association in collaboration with Theatre UAF presents "Winter Shorts 2004" in the Lee H. Salisbury Lab Theatre. Winter Shorts is a stellar event by which to see emerging actors, directors, and designers come into the lime light. This year Theatre UAF introduces 2 debut directors: Jeffery D. Aldrich, directing "Captive Audience" by David Ives, and Charlie Pierce, directing Anton Chekhov’s "The Bear."


A classic one-act play written in 1888 by renowned playwright, Anton Chekhov, this comedy reveals the fine line between anger and passion. The Bear is about a young woman named Popov, who after seven months is still mourning her husband’s death. One day, a gruff brute by the name of Smirnov drops in to see Popov because her late husband owes him 1200 rubles. An argument ensues leading to a duel. See the delightful ending that has kept audiences laughing for well over a hundred years. Starring Jon Ward (Kartasi) as "Smirnov", Anna Smith as "Popov" and Joe Alloway as "Luka." Directed by Charlie Pierce.


What would happen if the TV refused to be turned off? What if it began talking back to you? What if, while you watched TV, the TV watched you?

Such are the questions posed by "Captive Audience," a contemporary play written by David Ives (1999). The television becomes a force to reckon with in the home of a typical American couple. A hilarious tale of deception and a humorous commentary on our cultural relationship with the "Talking Box," Ives’ play has won numerous awards and national acclaim.

Produced with real-time video feeds, you too will experience the sense of domination from the television screen. Starring Chip Brookes (Don Juan, The Possessed) as "Rob" and Heather Maas (Touch) as "Laura", with Shannon Luster, Joe Harris, Brandon Seifert, Sarah Duncan, Abrah Fawvor, and Brean Stoutenberg, and Bo Anderson. Lighting design by Margaret Bonnell, Costume design by Anita Ashbaugh, Set design by Thomas Creek, and Videography by Cameron Harrison. Directed by Jeff Aldrich.

The Student Drama Association and Theatre UAF will host these performances in the Lee H. Salisbury LAB Theatre. Seating is limited to 70 per show, so advance tickets are recommended. Shows take place Fridays and Saturdays, Feb. 20, 21, 27, 28 at 8:15 p.m. and on Sunday Feb. 22 at 2 p.m. See our website for more details at www.uaf.edu/theatre. Tickets are $6 for adults, $5 for UAF employees, seniors, and members of the military, and $3 for students and children. Tickets can be purchased at the Theatre UAF Box Office in the Great Hall, or by calling 474-7751.