UAF visits Santa at North Pole Mall
UAF visits Santa at North Pole Mall
Submitted by Scott McCrea
Phone: (907) 455-2857
North Pole, Alaska
Santa Claus and other residents of North Pole and the surrounding community will get
a chance to learn about opportunities offered at the University of Alaska Fairbanks
during the second annual UAF Day at North Pole. The event will simulate a "mini-campus"
to showcase some of the UAF resources available to community members Saturday, April
24 from 11 a.m.
3 p.m. at the North Pole Plaza Mall.
"This is very much a family event," said Scott McCrea, a member of UAF’s Staff Council,
which is coordinating the effort. "There will be useful and fun information for everyone,
from educational opportunities for prospective students to entertainment and hands-on
activities for children."
More than 30 university departments are planning to participate in the free event.
Scheduled entertainment includes the UAF Swing Dance Club, faculty and student musicians
from the music department, the UAF Juggling Club, as well as a visit from Nanook,
the university mascot. Many hands-on activities will be featured, such as the "Earthquake
Shaker" from the petroleum engineering department. A bonus this year will be a visit
by the Arctic Tortoise, a "radically converted" autonomous 1992 Jeep Cherokee designed
by a team of 15 mechanical wizards from the Geophysical Institute. In addition, UAF
Summer Sessions will be on hand to register students for summer classes.
The university is partnering with the city of North Pole to coordinate UAF Day concurrently
with A Taste of North Pole, a fund-raiser for the North Pole Skateboard Park. Area
restaurateurs will be on hand from noon
2 p.m. to offer samples of their cuisine and a local menu guide. There is a $10 fee
to participate in A Taste of North Pole.
CONTACT: For more information on UAF Day at North Pole contact Scott McCrea at (907)
455-2857 or; for information on A Taste of North Pole contact North Pole City Mayor Jeff Jacobson
at (907) 488-2281.