UA Press books receive national recognition


UA Press books receive national recognition

Submitted by University of Alaska Press
Phone: (907)474-6413


The bestselling UA Press book "Eskimo Architecture: Dwelling and Structure in the Early Historic Period" has been recognized as a "Best of the Best of University Presses" book of 2004. Each year the Association of American University Presses chooses 29 books for this honor from among the publications of its 125 member presses. Winners will be exhibited at the American Library Association summer conference, with over 20,000 attendees.

"Eskimo Architecture" is coauthored by Molly Lee, Professor of Anthropology and Curator of Ethnology and History at the University of Alaska Museum of the North, and Gregory Reinhardt, Professor of Anthropology at University of Indianapolis.

Another UA Press book, "Ice Window: Letters from a Bering Strait Village, 1892 1902," achieved this important national recognition in 2003. Other recent national awards to UA Press books include: The 2003 Best Illustrated Book on the American West award was given to "Looking Both Ways: Heritage and Identity of the Alutiiq People" by the Western Historical Association. ForeWord Magazine named "The First Russian Voyage around the World" a 2003 University Press Top Ten Book. For more information:

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