TVC graduates certified public managers


TVC graduates certified public managers

Submitted by Michelle Renfrew
Phone: (907) 455-2833


The University of Alaska Fairbanks Tanana Valley Campus awarded four individuals the prestigious designation of Certified Public Manager and inducted them into the American Academy of Certified Public Managers on May 22.

The CPM program is a nationally accredited management development program created by the American Academy of Certified Public Mangers and is currently being administered by the University of Alaska in partnership with the Alaska Municipal League and the State of Alaska Division of Personnel. The program is designed to develop management, supervision and leadership skills in the public and private sectors.

To complete the program, students must complete 300 hours of training modules taken from a variety of topics ranging from entry level supervisory skills to executive management skills and complete a practicum within a local organization. While the subjects being taught are diverse, program participants say that it all comes down to learning how to better manage people.

"The CPM course has broadened my scope, given me new ideas, taught me things I didn’t know and introduced me to other people who share the desire for the same professional excellence," said graduate Scott Heidorn.

"I consider this course a must for every private or public sector manager and highly recommend it to anyone aspiring to become a manager."

The four individuals who were awarded the CPM designation include: Heidorn, University of Alaska Fairbanks Facilities Services; Shelly Showalter, Interior Regional Health Center; Jeannette Leith, Fred Meyer; and Rhonda Welborn, formerly with Volunteers in Policing.

For information on the CPM program, or for a complete listing of fall seminars visit the CPM website at or call (907) 455-2833.

Contact: Michelle Renfrew, (907) 455-2833 or or Scott J. McCrea, (907) 455-2857 or