Gunter Weller farewell seminar and reception


Gunter Weller farewell seminar and reception

Submitted by Barb Hameister
Phone: (907) 474-5818


Gunter Weller, director of both the Center for Global Change and the Cooperative Institute for Arctic Research, and Professor Emeritus at the Geophysical Institute, will be leaving UAF and Fairbanks at the end of August. A farewell seminar and reception to recognize his contributions to UAF, UA and the national/international science communities will take place on August 30. Dr. Weller’s seminar, "North to the Future: My 36 Years in Alaska" will begin at 3:30 p.m. in the Elvey Auditorium (Room 214 Elvey Building), followed by a reception in the Globe Room.

Contact: Barb Hameister at (907) 474-5818 or