Barbie exhibit and birthday party


Barbie exhibit and birthday party

Submitted by Mary Goodwin
Phone: 474-7726


Alaska Barbie Barbie, an American icon, turns 45 years old this year. UAF art students will mark the occasion with an exhibit of artworks that evaluate, investigate and debate the phenomenon that is Barbie. The exhibit will take place Nov. 1-12, in the UAF art department gallery. The opening reception will take place Monday, Nov. 1 at 5 p.m. A special birthday bash will be in the Great Hall Saturday, Nov. 6 from 2-4 p.m.

"Two Barbie dolls are sold every second," said show curator Mary Goodwin. "Barbie is big news and big business. She is everywhere and growing."

The gallery is open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. and Saturday from 2-4 p.m. Patrons are invited to display their own Barbies and come wearing Barbie fashions. There will be an open microphone for Barbie confessions and a Barbie poetry slam.

2004: Barbie is having a great year

Barbie turns 45

New boyfriend
After 43 years of togetherness, Barbie dumped Ken on Valentine’s Day and 2.5 million people went to to elect Blain, an Australian surfer, as Barbie’s new beau. Blain has been availble in Fairbanks stores since September 2004.

New clothes
In Japan, Mattel introduced a highly successful line of Barbie couture for adult women. The clothing line is set to open in American stores later this year.

Open season on Barbie
For decades, Mattel has argued copyright protection and successfully sued artists who use Barbie in their artworks. This summer, in a landmark legal reverse decision, Mattel sued an artist who used Barbie and the artist won. Mattel was directed to pay the artist nearly $2 million, and Barbie was deemed to be available for fair use to artists.

For more information, contact Mary Goodwin UAF art department: (907) 474-7726 or