Science lectures offer something for everyone


Science lectures offer something for everyone

Submitted by Amy Hartley
Phone: (907) 474-5823


Have you ever heard the aurora; wondered about the Red Planet; or descended into the depths of an Alaska cave? You now have the opportunity to explore these topics with experts at the 2005 Science for Alaska Lecture Series.

Beginning January 18, scientists from the University of Alaska and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will share their research with the public in free hour-long lectures. Family-friendly demonstrations begin at 6:40 p.m., with lectures to follow at 7 p.m. All events are scheduled for Tuesday evenings in the Westmark Gold Room.

For educators, an associated one-credit continuing education course will be offered. In the course teachers will develop lesson plans that include topics from the lecture series. Lesson plans also will incorporate National Science Standards and assessment techniques.

The Science for Alaska Lecture Series is free and open to all ages. The annual series is coordinated by the Geophysical Institute and sponsored by the University of Alaska Foundation


Information on all lectures and presenters in the 2005 Science for Alaska Lecture Series is available online at

Amy Hartley, Geophysical Institute Information Officer: (907) 474-5823

The 2005 Science for Alaska Lecture Series: Fairbanks Schedule

All lectures are free and open to the public. Corresponding family-friendly demonstrations begin at 6:40 p.m., with lectures to follow at 7 p.m. All events take place in the Westmark Gold Room.

Tuesday, Jan. 18: "Sounds of the Aurora and Other Persistent Mysteries"
Presented by Professor Dirk Lummerzheim, Geophysical Institute, UAF

Tuesday, Jan. 25: "The Search for Water and Life on Mars"
Presented by Professor Buck Sharpton, Geophysical Institute, UAF

Tuesday, Feb. 1: "Alaska’s Caves: Unlocking the Secrets to Our Past"
Presented by Assistant Professor Daniel Monteith, UAS

Tuesday, Feb. 8: "Alaska’s Wildfires and How They Affect Our Health"
Presented by Associate Professor Cathy Cahill, Geophysical Institute, UAF

Tuesday, Feb. 15: "Kings of the Arctic: Polar Bears in Alaska"
Presented by Wildlife Biologist Scott Schliebe, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service?"Alaska

Tuesday, Feb. 22: "Diving with Alaska’s Steller Sea Lions"
Presented by Assistant Professor Jennifer Burns, UAA

Information on all lectures and presenters in the 2005 Science for Alaska Lecture Series is available online at .

Amy Hartley, Geophysical Institute Information Officer: (907) 474-5823