UAF student named to National Catholic Student Coalition


UAF student named to National Catholic Student Coalition

Submitted by Kathleen Stopyra
Phone: (352) 846-4207


Rachael Krenzke, a junior majoring in broadcast journalism at University of Alaska Fairbanks, will serve as part of the Western Regional team in 2005 for the National Catholic Student Coalition. She took office at the conclusion of this year’s 21st annual leadership conference entitled "Ask Me Why I Serve the Church"? in Washington D.C. over the New Year’s holiday.

At UAF, Rachael is involved in the Catholic Student Association and plays intramural sports. Within her Catholic campus ministry she also participates in retreats, game nights, cooking, putting on slide shows and other outdoor activities.

The NCSC is a voice, vision, network, resource, and partner for Catholic students of Catholic and non-Catholic colleges across the nation. For the past twenty years, the NCSC has recognized that college students are a unique demographic, and today strives to speak boldly and clearly from this point of view, giving voice to student experiences, concerns and aspirations. As the successor to the National Federation of Catholic College Students and National Newman Club Federation, the NCSC plays a pivotal role in Catholic campus ministry in the United States through its close association with sister campus ministry organizations and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The NCSC is the United States chapter of the International Movement of Catholic Students of Pax Romana, and in this capacity embraces the ideals of the Universal Church by working on issues of local and international social justice.

For more information about NCSC, please contact the National Office at or visit

National Catholic Student Coalition
45 Lovett Ave.
Newark, DE 19711
Contact: Kathleen Stopyra
Cell: (904) 866-7416