UAF Day at North Pole


UAF Day at North Pole

Submitted by Scott McCrea
Phone: (907) 455-2857


Santa Claus and other members of the North Pole and surrounding community will get a chance to stimulate their minds and appetites during the third annual UAF Day at North Pole and Taste of North Pole event at the North Pole Plaza Mall on Saturday, April 16.

UAF Day at North Pole will take place from 11a.m.-3 p.m. while A Taste of North Pole will be held from 12-2 p.m. The university is partnering with the city of North Pole to coordinate the event which showcases the university by creating a "mini-campus" at the mall.

"This is very much a family event," said Scott McCrea, a member of the UAF Staff Council, the university department sponsoring the event. "There will be information for everyone, from educational opportunities for prospective students, teenagers and parents, to entertainment and hands-on activities for children."

Nearly 30 university departments will participate. The True Victory Baptist Church Youth Choir, the UAF Inu-Yupiaq dancers, along with faculty and student musicians from the UAF music department will perform.

The event will be held concurrently with A Taste of North Pole, a fundraiser for the North Pole Boy’s and Girl’s Club. North Pole area restaurants will offer samples of their cuisine from 12-2 p.m. There is a $10 fee to participate in A Taste of North Pole, and all participants will receive a North Pole menu guide.

Contact: For more information on UAF Day at North Pole contact Scott McCrea at 455-2857 or; for information on A Taste of North Pole contact North Pole City Mayor Jeff Jacobson at 488-2281.