UAF hosts first biomedical research conference


UAF hosts first biomedical research conference

Submitted by Marie Gilbert
Phone: 907-474-7412


UAF hosts first biomedical research conference

For scientists preparing to convene at Alaska’s first Biomedical Research Conference, Arctic ground squirrels and mice are as good a friend to man as the sled dog. The University of Alaska Fairbanks is hosting the first University of Alaska Biomedical Research Conference (UABRC) Friday, May 13, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Natural Science Facility on the UAF campus.

Scientists from UAF and the University of Alaska Anchorage will present research on squirrels and stroke, mice and obsessive-compulsive disorder, muscle development and cholesterol levels in sled dogs, persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and breast cancer, asthma, DNA repair and other biomedical topics.

Stroke is the primary cause of disability in North America and the Arctic ground squirrels’ ability to tolerate stroke-like conditions during hibernation may hold clues to better treatment for people. Scientists from UAF will present their research demonstrating how squirrels tolerate profound decreases in blood flow, heart rate and breathing rate during hibernation without neurological damage. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) involves anxious thoughts or rituals that can’t be controlled. A person may be plagued by an uncontrollable need to wash their hands over and over or to check things repeatedly. OCD affects about 3.3 million adults in the United States and strikes men and women equally. Research by UAF scientists looks at the role selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors play in reducing OCD in mice. "This conference will strengthen interaction between biochemistry and molecular biology students and faculty at UAF and UAA and provide opportunities for collaboration in biomedical research throughout Alaska,"? said Marvin Schulte, a UAF neurochemistry professor.

"We expect this conference to become a major, annual research conference for the state of Alaska during the coming years and increase the national prominence of our students and faculty.

A conference packet including abstracts, poster presentations and an agenda is available by contacting Marvin Schulte. The scientific conference is open to the public.

CONTACT: Marvin Schulte, UAF associate professor, 907-474-5237, Marie Gilbert, IAB publications and information coordinator, 907-474-7412,