PAC 10 + 2 Deans' Conference


PAC 10 + 2 Deans’ Conference

Submitted by Denyse Holm-Moberly
Phone: (907) 474-7231


The PAC 10 + 2 Conference of Deans of Arts and Sciences took place on the University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus May 22-24, 2005. The annual conference provides a forum for deans and associate deans from major universities throughout Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington to discuss common issues, explore solutions and highlight successful strategies that have been implemented at their institutions.

UAF Provost Paul Reichardt welcomed the participants to the conference, which included four work sessions on topics such as the role of liberal arts at research intensive universities, funding of academics and research, enrollment management and planning, and the impacts of Homeland Security and the Patriot Act on international faculty and students.

Participants toured UAF facilities such as the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center’s Discovery Lab and the Large Animal Research Station. UAF Chancellor Steve Jones delivered an opening address at the May 24 morning session. President Mark Hamilton attended a dinner for participants at the home of Phyllis Morrow, dean of the UAF College of Liberal Arts. Morrow, along with Joan Braddock, dean of UAF College of Natural Science and Mathematics, hosted the conference.

The conference was not open to the public, but media coverage was welcomed.

CONTACT: Denyse Holm-Moberly, (907) 474-7231 or, or Pauline Thomas, (907) 474-7608 or, for more information.

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