KSUA dominates student division of 2005 Goldies


KSUA dominates student division of 2005 Goldies

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: (907) 474-7902


Fairbanks, Alaska--KSUA-FM and KSUA-TV, student radio and television stations at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, recently earned 14 of 20 awards given in the student division of the Alaska Broadcasters Association’s Goldie Awards.

The association announced the awards at its annual awards dinner in early November.

KSUA-FM took home eight awards, including Best Radio Show for "KSUA Talk Show."? The hosts of the show, "Dr. Nick and Mr. Smart,"? also received the award for Best On-air Personality.

KSUA-TV swept the television portion of the student competition, capturing all six awards. Highlights include Best Television Newscast for "UAF Weekly News,"? by Dani Carlson, Kelsa Shilanski and Mike Lord and Best Entertainment Program for "STV,"? by Shaleesha Ferrari and produced by Dan Urquhart.

This is the fifth year in a row that KSUA has dominated the student division of the annual competition.

"We’re really excited about the awards,"? said Brewer, who serves as the stations’ general manager. "The quality of work that is coming out of KSUA and the amount of time and effort we put into the station as a whole is reflected in this."?

Other Fairbanks media also received awards during the dinner, including KUAC-FM reporter Libby Casey and producer Dan Bross, who won a Goldie for Best Uniquely Alaskan Program for coverage of the Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race. Other local media winners include: KIAK with four awards, KFXF with 12, KATN with one and KTVF with four.

CONTACT: UAF Public Information Officer Marmian Grimes at (907) 474-7902 or via e-mail at marmian.grimes@uaf.edu. KSUA general manager Nick Brewer at (907) 474-7054 or via e-mail at fyksua@uaf.edu

ON THE WEB: www.ksua.org

Download the complete list of all Goldie winners (PDF 204K).