Alaska Volcano Observatory monitors Augustine eruption


Alaska Volcano Observatory monitors Augustine eruption

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: (907) 474-7902


Scientists at the Alaska Volcano Observatory continue to monitor the eruption of Augustine Volcano in Cook Inlet.

The observatory recorded two eruptions at the volcano early Wednesday, one at 4:44 a.m. and one at 5:13 a.m. According to satellite data, the eruptions produced an ash cloud that reached a height of 30,000 feet above sea level. Both the observatory and the National Weather Service are monitoring the ash plume.

Seismic activity has decreased since the eruption, though scientists say it is likely that volacanic activity will resume. According to midday information, there is no tsunami hazard associated with Augustine’s current level of activity.

CONTACT: AVO acting chief scientist Steve McNutt at (907) 474-7131. The Alaska Volcano Observatory at (907) 474-5681. For more information, visit the Alaska Volcano Observatory on the Web at: