Ukrainian editor to appear as Snedden guest lecturer


Ukrainian editor to appear as Snedden guest lecturer

Submitted by Charles Fedullo
Phone: (907) 474-7995


Fairbanks, Alaska--American journalists talk about the value of a free press, but editor Tatyana Goryachova knows how much such freedom can cost.

Despite an attempt to blind her with acid and numerous death threats, the 40-year-old Ukrainian journalist continued to write about government corruption in her hometown.

Goryachova, editor of the weekly Berdyansk Delovoy of Ukraine, will join Hal Foster, this semester’s Snedden Chair of Journalism at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, for a public lecture at Noel Wien Library Monday, March 27 at 7 p.m. The lecture is part of the Snedden Lecture Series at UAF. The pair will also speak to UAF students Tuesday, March 28 at 9:45 a.m. in Schaible Auditorium. The lectures, "The Cost of a Free Press in Ukraine,"? are free and open to the public.

Foster, the first semester-long Snedden Professor of Journalism at UAF, is an award-winning reporter and editor. He has written for the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other newspapers. He reported on Goryachova’s experiences in the Ukraine.

This opportunity is available for UAF students and the Fairbanks community because of the support of Helen Snedden. Four years ago, she generously endowed the journalism chair at UAF in memory of her late husband, C.W. Snedden, longtime publisher and owner of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner. Because of her contribution, UAF’s journalism program has already brought in four Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists to coach and inspire students on campus.

"It is one thing to talk about the value of our free press as a concept. It means more to hear from a journalist who fights daily for the freedoms we take for granted and has paid severe costs,"? said Brian O’Donoghue, assistant journalism professor at UAF.

The lecture is a tremendous opportunity for students and faculty, as well as the Fairbanks community, said Phyllis Morrow, dean of UAF’s College of Liberal Arts.

"Courage is the word that comes to mind. Liberal arts means opening your eyes to the world and taking on the responsibilities that grow from that awareness. Part of that is about fighting for freedom of expression and the ability to help communities grow,"? she said. "I want to commend Helen Snedden for her generosity and courage in helping build a strong College of Liberal Arts at UAF."?

CONTACT: Charles Fedullo, chairman, UAF journalism department at (907) 474-7995 or via e-mail at