KUAC earns two Emmy nominations


KUAC earns two Emmy nominations

Submitted by Tammy Tragis-McCook
Phone: (907) 474-1890


KUAC television is among nominees for two regional 2006 Emmy Awards. The Northwest Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences recently announced nominees for the annual awards.

KUAC has been nominated in the following categories:

Informational special or series: "Anywhere, Alaska," Aaron Elterman, producer/director and Deb Lawton, associate producer

Promo, single spot: "The 49th Star" one-minute promo, Aaron Elterman, producer/director and Mike Letzring, photographer

You can see the list of competitors at natas-seattle.org/awards/

Funding for "Anywhere, Alaska" was provided by individual contributions and a generous gift from the Alaska Travel Industry Association. Funding for "The 49th Star" was provided by the Creating Alaska project.