UAF receives research grant for transportation research


UAF receives research grant for transportation research

Submitted by Carla Browning
Phone: (907) 474-7778


Washington, D.C.--Congressman Don Young announced last week that the University of Alaska Fairbanks received $1,560,000 in grant money from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Research and Innovative Technology Administration. This grant was authorized out of last year’s Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users. It will provide for a new National University Transportation Center for transportation research and technology advancement. The UTC program began in 1987 under the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act with the purpose of advancing transportation exploration.

"By training our next generation of transportation innovators and performing vital research, our university centers are critical partners in keeping Alaska and the entire nation moving safely and efficiently," said U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta.

"This is a great opportunity for UAF to get involved in the forefront of transportation research," said Young. "Living in a climate where the weather has such a large impact on the condition of our roadways and infrastructure, it is especially important for us to study how we can improve on what is already being done. A focus of this should be better ways to pave our roadways and keep them intact. I expect to see solid results from UTC’s research and look forward to seeing the product of their research benefit the people of Alaska."

Universities chosen to participate in the program are involved in a variety of advanced and applied research and education. They are expected to be leaders in meeting transportation challenges and looking to the advancement of transportation technologies.

Billy Connor, retired engineer with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, will oversee the program at UAF.

"Transportation is the foundation of our nation’s economic health," he said. "We’re excited about the opportunity, given to us by Congress, to take a leadership role in transportation education and research."

CONTACT: Billy Connor at (907) 474-5552 or via e-mail at