Alaska Sea Grant launches multiagency effort to rebuild Kodiak red king crab stocks


Alaska Sea Grant launches multiagency effort to rebuild Kodiak red king crab stocks

Submitted by Doug Schneider
Phone: 907-474-7449


Seward, Alaska--What might be the future of Kodiak’s red king crab fishery arrived in Seward recently, wrapped in wet burlap and packed in coolers marked "live crab."

"They look great, they’re in fine shape," said Celeste Leroux, a University of Alaska Fairbanks graduate student, as she gingerly unpacked 32 plate-size crustaceans, some clutching burlap in their pinchers.

The crab were collected by Alaska Department of Fish & Game biologists in Alitak Bay on the south end of Kodiak Island, Alaska. Sara Persselin, a NOAA Fisheries research biologist, prepared the crab for their flight from Kodiak to Anchorage. A van ride to the Alutiiq Pride Shellfish Hatchery along the Seward waterfront completed their journey.

Scientists say 16 egg-bearing female crab will serve as brood stock in a research project they hope will help rebuild Alaska’s Kodiak red king crab fishery. In addition, 16 male crab were captured for pathology and genetic analysis by ADF&G.

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