UAF in the news: Week of Sept. 25, 2006


UAF in the news: Week of Sept. 25, 2006

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: (907) 474-7902


Study: Warm water surges into the Arctic
UPI and several other publications worldwide
FAIRBANKS, Alaska--U.S. scientists at the International Arctic Research Center say warm water surges from the North Atlantic Ocean are flowing into the Arctic Ocean. The University of Alaska-Fairbanks researchers, who say the warm water is moving toward Alaska and the Canadian Basin, made their observations during an oceanographic cruise aboard the Russian icebreaker Kapitan Dranitsyn. Read more ...

Officials raise volcano code to yellow
Kodiak Daily Mirror and multiple other references in publications nationwide throughout the week
Fourpeaked Volcano, about 80 miles northwest of Kodiak across Shelikof Strait, was upgraded by the Alaska Volcano Observatory in Anchorage to code yellow, meaning restless with an eruption possible.
Steve McNutt, research professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and acting coordinator for the AVO, said with satellite data, information gained from infrasound microphones and overhead flights, more information is now known about a 20,000-foot plume seen Sunday. Read more ...

Intuitive artist
MAT-SU - Samantha Elliott was raised in Palmer, part of a large family with roots in the Valley going back to the colonists. Tymoreye Elliott, the intuitive artist, evolved from Samantha. Read more ...

New cold climate building facility opens
Sun Star
University officials unveiled a new facility Saturday that would be used to study how to make houses more functional in Alaska’s cold climate. Read more ...

Benefits of arctic research laid out for Congress
New knowledge about Arctic ground squirrels that could help fight cancer and an influx of cash to Alaska communities are benefits that scientists say could come from Arctic research. Read more ...

Leading Ecologist to Speak at UW Oct. 2-3
University of Wyoming Web site
Sept. 27, 2006 -- A member of the National Academy of Sciences will discuss environmental issues in Alaska Oct. 2-3 at the University of Wyoming. "Â"ÂF. Stuart Chapin III, professor of ecology at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, will speak as part of the Distinguished Ecologist Lecture Series sponsored by the Wyoming Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCOR). Read more ...

Secrets of the cave paintings
New York Review of Books
In 1879 a Spanish landowner named Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola was searching for prehistoric artifacts on the floor of a cave on his family property in northern Spain when his young daughter interrupted, calling out "Look, Papa, oxen" as she looked up at the cave’s ceiling and "saw vivid yet delicate paintings of bison, almost fully life-sized, that appear to be tumbling across the sky." Read more ...

Alaska senators review progress of International Polar Year
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
WASHINGTON–Sen. Lisa Murkowski waved a picture of the U.S. research station built in 1882 at Barrow for the first International Polar Year. With the fourth such period of scientific focus set to begin in March 2007, Murkowski joked at a congressional hearing Tuesday, she hoped the place would be upgraded this time around. Read more ...