Energy conference to address rural power needs


Energy conference to address rural power needs

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: (907) 474-7902


The University of Alaska Fairbanks, along with the Alaska Energy Authority, is sponsoring Alaska’s fourth Rural Energy Conference at the Fairbanks Westmark Hotel April 24-26, 2007. The conference, "Managing the High Cost of Power 2007,"? will focus on energy generation and expenses for urban and rural Alaska.

Two major ideas drive this conference: the rising cost of providing electricity in remote places, where most of the power comes from diesel generators, and the issue of global warming and carbon emissions. Organizers say these challenges create a push toward finding better and cheaper ways of making electricity in rural communities. The conference is held every 18 months and is attended by rural public officials, equipment suppliers, industry officials and researchers from across Alaska.

This year, the hot topics are likely to be alternative and renewable energy sources including: the new geothermal plant at Chena Hot Springs, which participants will visit; biofuels from fish oil, willows, and grains; the expanding presence of wind in remote villages as better control systems and batteries are developed; and the continuing interest in small-scale nuclear power for off-grid applications.

Invited speakers include Gov. Sarah Palin; George Cannelos, the federal co-chair of the Denali Commission; and Mayor Jim Whitaker of the Fairbanks North Star Borough. Larry Hinzman, UAF International Arctic Research Center director, will speak on the science of global warming. Additional information is likely to come from the trenches, as dozens of speakers from Alaska’s remote power industry talk about their work.

As a special addition to this year’s conference, the university has invited local elementary school science fair participants to share their projects relating to alternative energy.

CONTACT: Marmian Grimes, UAF public information officer, at (907) 474-7902 or via e-mail at