RAHI welcomes record class for 25th session


RAHI welcomes record class for 25th session

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: (907) 474-7902


A record number of rural high school students arrived at the University of Alaska Fairbanks this week for the 25th annual Rural Alaska Honors Institute.

RAHI is a summer college preparatory program run by UAF’s College of Rural and Community Development. The 60 juniors and seniors attending this year’s program come from more than three dozen communities across Alaska. They will spend the next six weeks living in UAF dormitories, building their academic skills and learning firsthand about college life. They will take courses throughout the program and earn up to 11 college credits for their efforts.

In addition to the regular RAHI program, students from two other programs will reside with the RAHI students this summer. The first program--RAHI II, Next Step--will bring five students from across Alaska to do genetics research with UAF scientists. The second program, EPSCoR Interns, is part of the National Science Foundation’s Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. Students will work as interns with diverse research programs and departments at UAF.

A public ceremony and awards banquet will mark the end of the program July 11.

Organized in 1983 at the request of the Alaska Federation of Natives, RAHI was charged with helping to increase college success for rural Alaska Native high school students. More than 220 RAHI alumni have gone on to earn baccalaureate degrees. In addition, alumni have earned six law degrees and one medical degree, 58 associate degrees, and 41 certificates. About 30 are in graduate school.

RAHI courses are funded through UAF, Alyeska Pipeline Service Co., Wells Fargo, the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health.

CONTACT: Denise Wartes, College of Rural and Community Development, at (907) 474-6886, toll free in Alaska at 800-478-6886 or via e-mail at fyrahi@uaf.edu.

ON THE WEB: www.uaf.edu/rahi