Chancellor appointed to UArctic board of governors


Chancellor appointed to UArctic board of governors

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: (907) 474-7902



Fairbanks, Alaska--The Council of the University of the Arctic recently appointed University of Alaska Fairbanks Chancellor Steve Jones to serve a three-year renewable term on its board of governors.

"My appointment gives UAF a chance to shape the future of this 102-member international education and research consortium that operates in the region that defines UAF,"? said Jones. "I’m thrilled with my appointment."?

Jones joins new appointees Alexander Krylov of Pomor State University in Russia, Laurie Lantto of Oulu University of Applied Sciences in Finland, Emoke J.E. Szathmary of the Unversity of Manitoba in Canada, Andy Greenshaw of the University of Alberta in Canada and Barry Scherr of Dartmouth College.

The University of the Arctic is a cooperative network of universities, colleges and other organizations committed to higher education and research in the North. The board of governors is its highest decisionmaking body, responsible for overall governance, as well as funding. The University of the Arctic organizes a broad range of programs in partnership with member institutions located in Canada, the United States, Iceland, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. UAF has been a member of UArctic since its early planning stages and hosted the first meeting of the Interim Council of the University of the Arctic in 1998.

"Our active involvement with UArctic affords direct access to students and collaborative research and education opportunities at some 80 colleges and universities across the arctic region,"? Jones said. "I see expanded student and faculty exchanges, greater joint research and education projects, increased regional visibility and a greater potential for translating accelerated global interest in arctic change into additional resources to support our research and education endeavors."?