Alaska wall calendar more than pretty pictures, it's educational


Alaska wall calendar more than pretty pictures, it’s educational

Submitted by Doug Schneider
Phone: (907) 474-7449


Across the state, bookstores and gift shops showcase Alaska-themed calendars filled with postcard-perfect images of wild landscapes and charismatic animals. At less than 20 bucks, an Alaska calendar is just the sort of memento tourists are eager to take home.

But one Alaska calendar pushes the envelope when it comes to value. Beyond its stunning images, the 2008 Alaska Coastal Calendar offers Alaskans and visitors alike a chance to actually learn something--in this case about the impacts of a warmer climate on the Last Frontier.

Climate change in Alaska is the theme of the 2008 International Polar Year edition of the award-winning Alaska Coastal Calendar, available directly from the UAF Alaska Sea Grant Program and from outlets across the state.

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