Short takes: People and programs at UAF


Short takes: People and programs at UAF

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: (907) 474-7902


Alumnus’ book wins Alaska Library Association award

University of Alaska Fairbanks alumnus Dan O’Neill’s latest book recently received the "2006 Outstanding Alaskana of the Year Award" from the Alaska Library Association. In the book, "A Land Gone Lonesome: An Inland Voyage along the Yukon River," O’Neill floats the Yukon River in his canoe and chronicles the history, people and politics of the region along the way. The library association makes the award annually to ""¦ works that make a significant contribution to the understanding of Alaska, that exhibit originality, depth of research and knowledge of Alaska "¦ ." In researching the book, O’Neill drew on the resources available in the Alaska and Polar Regions Collections at the UAF Rasmuson Library, as well as on oral interviews he conducted while he was working as a research associate at the library. O’Neill also won the award in the mid-1990s for his first book, "The Firecracker Boys."

UAF honor society reaches new height

The University of Alaska Chapter of Golden Key International Honour Society has reached a new milestone The society attained gold status in recognition of its activity level. The organization recognizes academic excellence and the promotion of volunteer community service.

Professor emeritus receives fellowship

English professor emeritus John Morgan, former head of the UAF creative writing Program, was recently awarded a $12,000 artist fellowship from the Rasmuson Foundation. The fellowship recognizes artists in a variety of media and is intended to provide recipients with the resources to fully develop their artistry. Morgan plans to use his award to develop a new collection of his poetry. He has previously published three books of poems and a number of chapbooks and has won two individual artist fellowships from the Alaska State Council on the Arts.

Akasofu publishes Aurora book

Syun-Ichi Akasofu, UAF professor emeritus recently published, "Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora," a second edition. The book describes the history of progress made in auroral science and magnetosperic physics by providing examples of ideas, controversies, struggles, acceptance and success. Akasofu is one of the world’s top experts on the aurora borealis. He is the author of dozens of books, including, "Aurora Borealis: The Amazing Northern Lights," "Secrets of the Aurora Borealis" and "Physics of Auroral Arc Formation."

Alaska Native Language Center publishes new book

The Alaska Native Language Center has published another book of Athabascan stories. "Dena’ina Sukdu’a: Traditional Stories of the Tanaina Athabaskans," 3rd edition contains stories describing the ways of the world and events that occurred in ancient times as well as Dena’ina beliefs and attitudes about human relationships to the land, how people should treat animals and the importance of group survival. The book features the original Dena’ina and English translations plus 12 original artworks by Alaska artist Dale DeArmond.

Contact: Marmian Grimes, public information officer, at (907) 474-7902 or via e-mail at