UAF in the news: week of Sept. 3, 2007


UAF in the news: week of Sept. 3, 2007

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: 907-474-7902


Engineering programs see surge of interest
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
On the first day of classes for the fall semester, enrollment across University of Alaska Fairbanks and Tanana Valley Campus was essentially unchanged from last year, with one big exception. Read more ...

Sled dogs warn of Alaskan mercury levels
Discovery News
Alaskan sled dogs live in one of the world’s most pristine environments, but a new study has revealed the hard-working canines are often exposed to potentially dangerous levels of mercury. Read more ...

Transportation Center receives $3 million
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
The Alaska University Transportation Center, headquartered at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, recently received $3 million from the federal Department of Transportation. Read more ...

Squirrels and toxic mushrooms
"¨Fairbanks reader Darleen Masiak recently saw a red squirrel carrying an Amanita mushroom across her deck, presumably to stash it in its midden for the winter. She wanted to know how such a small mammal could survive after eating a mushroom that is toxic in large doses. Read more ...

Child specialist to visit Fairbanks
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Nationally known pediatrician, author and child development specialist Dr. Harvey Karp, will conduct two programs in Fairbanks. Read more ...

Will Alaska have to renegotiate the PPT?
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
The major producers have an obligation to develop the existing North Slope natural gas reserves if it is commercially feasible to do so. But how do we determine feasibility? Read more ...

Pavlof Volcano rocks and rolls, blasting ash up to 20,000 feet
Anchorage Daily News
COLD BAY -- One of Alaska’s most active volcanoes sent a billowing white cloud almost 4 miles high late Thursday night, the biggest explosion since the 8,261-foot cone began vigorously erupting last month. Read more ...