College of Liberal Arts welcomes new dean


College of Liberal Arts welcomes new dean

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: 907-474-7902


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Photo courtesy of Ron Davis

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Newly arrived College of Liberal Arts dean Ronald Davis and his wife have been looking north for years.

Initially, it was just to upper Michigan, which used to be their definition of the Far North, he said. "Offhand, we talked about moving to Alaska."

But when he learned about the opportunity to lead UAF’s College of Liberal Arts, those offhand remarks took on more significance. He applied for the job and was offered the post. Davis arrived in Fairbanks from Kalamazoo in mid-August and took the helm at the college a week later. He replaces former dean Phyllis Morrow, who has retired.

Davis said several things attracted him to UAF.

He is an avid science reader who closely follows climate change research. Working for a university at the forefront of such research was a selling point, Davis said.

"Another piece was the commitment of the university to Alaska Native peoples," he said, noting his interest in studies of knowledge and cultural preservation. In addition, Davis said, UAF has a configuration that he supports, with the arts falling within the College of Liberal Arts. The college is strong in its grant activity and is in a good position for further program development, particularly the addition of more graduate programs.

"I think it is important to enhancing the stature of the college," he said.

Davis added that he also places great importance on the college’s role in preparing all undergraduates, regardless of their chosen field of study. In order to be active participants in their professions and in society, graduates must develop skills for critical thinking and skeptical inquiry, he said. "The liberal arts tradition is a critical vehicle for getting that done."

Davis holds a bachelor’s degree from Bowling Green State University and a master’s degree and doctorate from Indiana University. His career at Western Michigan University included 10 years as head of the history department, positions in the university’s international studies programs and a year as interim dean of the graduate college. Most recently, he served as vice provost for international programs and academic affairs budget officer.

"Dr. Davis brings a wealth of administrative experience to the College of Liberal Arts dean position," said Provost Susan Henrichs. "His experiences in international and interdisciplinary programs will be added assets for CLA."

CONTACT: Ron Davis, dean, at 907-474-7231 or via e-mail at Marmian Grimes, UAF public information officer, at 907-474-7902 or via e-mail at .