Fishermen, have you found ways to save fuel? Tell the Marine Advisory Program


Fishermen, have you found ways to save fuel? Tell the Marine Advisory Program

Submitted by Doug Schneider
Phone: 907-479-2126


Alaska fishermen facing record high fuel prices for their boats are taking steps both large and small to improve their bottom line.

To learn how high fuel costs have affected fishermen, and to help fishermen exchange ideas about ways to improve efficiencies, the Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program has joined with the United Fishermen of Alaska to launch an online survey of fishermen across the state.

Take the survey.

The brief, unscientific survey, asks fishermen how high fuel prices have affected their business, and what steps they have taken to combat the high costs of fishing this year.

"Fuel costs dominated dock talk all summer," said Mark Vinsel, executive director of United Fishermen of Alaska. "I encourage all fishermen to complete the survey, so that we can use the results to find ways to help fishermen reduce the impact of high fuel prices."

Paula Cullenberg is leader of the Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, which has extension agents in 11 Alaska coastal communities. Cullenberg, who also is a Bristol Bay setnetter, said high fuel prices have hit Alaska fishermen especially hard this year.

"Necessity is the mother of invention," said Cullenberg. "Alaska fishermen are very good at reacting to all sorts of unexpected challenges with creative solutions. Our hope is that through this survey, we can offer these solutions to others.

CONTACT: Sunny Rice, Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, Petersburg, Alaska, 907-772-3381,