Donors honored for university support
Donors honored for university support
Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: 907-474-7902

The University of Alaska Fairbanks honored more than 200 of its donors at an evening reception at the University of Alaska Museum of the North Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2008.
During the event, UAF recognized five donors in particular for their commitment to philanthropy and dedication to the university’s mission: Joe and Ann Tremarello for individual giving; BP and ConocoPhillips for corporate giving; the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for foundational support and Syun-Ichi and Emiko Akasofu for faculty and staff support.
"Our honorees and all of our donors in attendance put into action through their philanthropic giving the notion that building a stronger and better Alaska is done through support of higher education--our students, our faculty, our staff," said Judyth Wier, associate vice chancellor for development.
Joe and Ann Tremarello
The Tremarellos have been part of the UAF community for more than five decades as
students, staff members and supporters. Their donations have established and supported
several UAF scholarships, including the Earl Maxwell Memorial Scholarship, named for
Ann’s father, and the Joseph Sr. and Rose R. Tremarello Scholarship, named for Joe’s
BP and ConocoPhillips
Both BP and ConocoPhillips are consistent and longstanding supporters of the university.
BP donates to a wide variety of university programs and has been an important supporter
of the university’s International Polar Year efforts. ConocoPhillips is known for
its support of Alaska Native programs, KUAC, the UA Museum of the North and the Alaska
Nanooks. The broad-based support from each corporation has produced lasting effects
on the programs and people of UAF.
The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
A donation from the Mellon Foundation established a new fellowship program at UAF
designed to increase the number of Alaska Native students earning doctorates at UAF
and becoming higher education faculty members. The fellowship supports doctoral students
in the dissertation-writing phase of their studies.
Syun-Ichi and Emiko Akasofu
Syun-Ichi’s affiliation with the university began more than a half century ago when
he was a graduate student at UAF. He is the founding director of the International
Arctic Research Center, a professor emeritus and an international ambassador for UAF.
He and Emiko have supported a variety of university programs, including IARC and the
Geophysical Institute, the UA Museum of the North, Georgeson Botanical Garden and
CONTACT: Judyth Wier, associate vice chancellor for development, at 907-474-5750 or via e-mail at Marmian Grimes, UAF public information officer, at 907-474-7902 or via e-mail at