Rogers releases transition team outcomes


Rogers releases transition team outcomes

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: 907-474-7902


After six months of work by dozens of people, University of Alaska Fairbanks Chancellor Brian Rogers this week posted the results of the transition process he instituted at the beginning of his tenure.

The 15 transition teams--formed to examine a broad spectrum of university operations--met throughout the summer. As a result of those meetings, as well as input from the university and Fairbanks communities, the teams made more than 250 recommendations for future action. More than 100 of the recommended actions are either underway or completed, including additional student service and supervisory training for university employees, more open parking policies during the summer and for some events, the formation of boards and committees to seek input from the community, efforts to recycle waste vegetables, meat and boxes, and energy audit training for employees in the facilities department.

"While we will not be able to put all 266 proposed actions from the transition teams into place, I am excited by what we have accomplished," Rogers said in a letter to the UAF community. "I am proud of the people who developed the transition team recommendations and equally proud of the UAF staff, students and faculty, as well as community members, who are implementing them."

Additional information on the transition teams’ recommendations is available online at the transition teams’ Web site at The page includes lists of all 266 recommendations. Rogers plans to update the page at the end of each semester to show progress on the action items.

CONTACT: UAF Chancellor Brian Rogers at 907-474-7112 or via e-mail at Marmian Grimes, UAF public information officer, at 907-474-7902 or via e-mail at
