'Is Alaska's Oil Age Ending? Living Energy Efficient'


’Is Alaska’s Oil Age Ending? Living Energy Efficient’

Submitted by Amy Hartley
Phone: 907-474-5823


Energy concerns are now a part of the everyday experience. Alaskans grapple with such matters with each trip to the grocery store or the gas station, as the cost for goods and services are directly affected by the price and availability of energy sources. The first step to living energy efficient is to get informed and on Feb. 3, Fairbanksans will have that opportunity.

Rich Seifert, a housing and energy specialist with the Cooperative Extension Service at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, will present "Is Alaska’s Oil Age Ending? Living Energy Efficient" on Tuesday, Feb. 3. Seifert’s lecture will provide information for living energy efficient in the Last Frontier. Seifert’s talk is the third installment in the 2009 Science for Alaska Lecture Series in Fairbanks. It will take place at 7 p.m. in the Westmark Gold Room.

Preceding the lecture, there will be free educational demonstrations and activities for kids beginning at 6:30 p.m.

The Science for Alaska Lecture Series provides educational and entertaining lectures on current scientific research that is designed for all ages. The event is one of the largest public outreach ventures of the Geophysical Institute each year, and has become a winter tradition since it began more than 15 years ago. The Geophysical Institute, the University of Alaska Fairbanks and Alyeska Pipeline Service Company sponsor the 2009 series.

CONTACT: Rich Seifert, UAF Cooperative Extension Service energy and housing specialist, at 907-474-7201 or ffrds@uaf.edu. Geophysical Institute information officer Amy Hartley at 907-474-5823 or amy.hartley@gi.alaska.edu

ON THE WEB: www.scienceforalaska.com