American Bar Association reapproves paralegal studies program


American Bar Association reapproves paralegal studies program

Submitted by Michelle Renfrew
Phone: 907-455-2833


The American Bar Association recently reapproved the paralegal studies program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Tanana Valley Campus.

The rigorous reapproval process began a year ago and culminated with a site visit to Fairbanks last September. The American Bar Association is the nation’s largest professional organization for lawyers and its approval is the highest recognition available to a paralegal training program.

According to paralegal studies program coordinator Ed Husted, fewer than 25 percent of the paralegal programs in the nation meet the rigorous guidelines required for ABA approval.

"Entry into the legal community’s job market anywhere in the United States is greatly enhanced by graduates who earn an ABA-approved paralegal degree because it adds a valuable credential to their resume," says Husted.

The paralegal studies program is offered as an associate degree through the UAF Tanana Valley Campus. The program began in the fall of 1992 and graduated its first students in the spring of 1994. Since then, a total of 170 students have graduated with paralegal degrees. The program has been highly successful in placing students in the paralegal job market both within Alaska and the Lower 48. The UAF program received its first approval by the ABA in February of 2001.

CONTACT: Ed Husted, paralegal studies program coordinator, at 907-455-2835 or Michelle Renfrew, TVC marketing and community relations manager, at 907-455-2833 or
