UAF in the news: week of Aug. 24, 2009


UAF in the news: week of Aug. 24, 2009

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: 907-474-7902


University of Alaska Fairbanks utilidor project nears completion
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
FAIRBANKS--With a new semester beginning next week, work crews are heading into the final stretch of a new utilidor construction project on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus. Read more ...

Musk ox calves stay toasty in the cold
USA Today science blog
Severe winter weather doesn’t kill musk ox calves, and scientists are surprised. Read more ...

UAF offers Tanzania trip
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
FAIRBANKS--University of Alaska Fairbanks Summer Sessions is offering an educational trip to Tanzania as part of its Winter Cultural Tours program. An optional extension trip to Zanzibar is also available. Read more ...

Earthquakes near and far shake up Alaska wells
Anchorage Daily News
The great Alaska earthquake of March 1964 jarred Earth’s plumbing system far beyond Alaska. Read more ...

Life inching its way back to Kasatochi
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
In the mid-Aleutians, 1,200 miles from Anchorage, little Kasatochi Island--about 1.5 miles from end to end--was the surprise volcanic eruption of 2008, blowing up and painting itself in a shade of gray. Read more ...

UAF road map
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
A report by consultant Terry MacTaggart offers practical suggestions for how the University of Alaska Fairbanks can improve itself in a real-world environment that is fraught with difficulty these days. Read more ...

Research finds higher acidity in Alaska waters
Associated Press
ANCHORAGE, Alaska--Erosion threatens to topple coastal Alaskan villages. Melting ice threatens polar bears. Now, a marine scientist says the state’s marine waters are turning acidic from absorbing greenhouse gases faster than tropical waters, potentially endangering Alaska’s $4.6 billion fishing industry. Read more ...

Strykers teach "˜crash course’ in Humvee repair
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Last week, Sgt. Melvin Lamb of the 1-25th Stryker Brigade walked into his classroom with an unenviable task: He had to teach a group of Iraqi Army soldiers, many of whom had never picked up a wrench, how to maintain and repair their vehicles. It wasn’t the responsibility that was onerous, it was the time frame. Read more ...

5,000 miles -- and lots of wildlife -- later, Fairbanks is our new home
Kennebec Journal/Morning Sentinel
FAIRBANKS, Alaska -- It was sunny and beautiful here last week, temperature in the mid-60s. I walked around the campus of the University of Alaska in shirtsleeves. Read more ...

Family, friends mourn Alaska construction pioneer Con Frank
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
Con Frank, a civil engineer who helped build modern Alaska, has died at Fairbanks Memorial Hospital. Frank, who was 87, remained alert until shortly before the end Monday night. He greeted a steady stream of more than 100 relatives and friends who visited him over the past week at the hospital. "Lots of love," he told them. Read more ...

Video: UAV in a firefight of a different kind
Unmanned aerial aircraft see a lot of action on the battle front, but not all the battles are in Iraq or Afghanistan. Some firefights are waged on the home front. Read more ...

It’s mushroom time in Interior Alaska
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner
FAIRBANKS -- If your puppy is bouncing off the walls and acting a little stranger than usual, it could be something he ate. Specifically, those mushrooms growing on the lawn. Read more ...