Webinar highlights water availability tool


Webinar highlights water availability tool

Submitted by Marmian Grimes
Phone: 907-474-7902


The Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy will host a statewide webinar tutorial Tuesday, Sept. 15 at 10 a.m.

The event will highlight the collaboration between the Wilderness Society and the Scenarios Network for Alaska Planning. They are working to develop a tool for mapping future water availability in Alaska. The tool could supply information on changing water availability, which could in turn help identify species, landscapes and communities that are vulnerable to change.

For more information, call 907-474-7812.

CONTACT: Brook Gamble, ACCAP outreach and education specialist, at 907-474-7812 or e-mail accap@uaf.edu.

ON THE WEB: For registration and dial-in instructions, visit www.uaf.edu/accap/teleconference.htm.
