Large Animal Research Station to host open house
Large Animal Research Station to host open house
Submitted by Marie Gilbert
Phone: 907-474-7412
The Large Animal Research Station will host its semi-annual Arctic Affair open house Sunday, Dec. 20 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The free event will allow the public to meet scientists, muskoxen, caribou and reindeer during a self-guided walking and talking tour. The tour begins at the new LARS meeting house and will take visitors through the heart of LARS to learn how the animals adapt to life in the arctic winter. Dress warmly, as the tour includes indoor and outdoor stops.
Scientists will present current research and share the history of LARS. There will be educational displays about the animals and research projects. Complimentary cider and hot cocoa will be provided.
LARS is located at 2220 Yankovich Road. Visitors should park in the LARS lot adjacent to Yankovich Road and take the short walk through the gate and along the road leading to the barns and meeting house.
LARS is part of the Institute of Arctic Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. It was founded in 1979 with a grant from the National Science Foundation to improve understanding of the biology of arctic animals and to make this knowledge available for resource management and education. Researchers, scientists and students from around the world rely on LARS for animal studies. There are 48 muskoxen, 24 caribou and 61 reindeer at LARS.
CONTACT: Lindsey Blaine, LARS tour coordinator, 907-474-5724. Marie Gilbert, IAB information officer, 907-474-7412,