Alaska scientist to discuss tobacco's effect on the lungs


Alaska scientist to discuss tobacco’s effect on the lungs

Submitted by Amy Hartley
Phone: 907-474-5823


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking-related diseases account for more than 400,000 American deaths per year. That amount is greater than the number of deaths from alcohol, motor vehicle accidents, suicide and homicide, AIDS, and illegal drugs combined. In Alaska, nearly 600 deaths are attributed to cigarette smoking each year. The statistics are staggering and compel scientists to understand the effects of tobacco on the body.

At the University of Alaska Anchorage, Cindy Knall researches cigarette smoke and its effect on lung cells. Knall, an assistant professor of immunology, investigates how tobacco smoke breaks the barrier formed by cells in the lung.

On Tuesday, Feb. 2, Knall will share her research findings in "Breaking the Barrier: Tobacco’s Effect on Lung Architecture" at 7 p.m. in the Westmark Gold Room. Knall’s lecture is the third installment in the annual Science for Alaska Lecture Series.

Science for Alaska 2010 covers a broad range of science topics that are specific to Alaska and its residents, and includes scientists from throughout the University of Alaska system. The Fairbanks series runs on Tuesdays through Feb. 23, 2010.

Hands-on activities begin at 6 p.m. All ages are welcome to participate at this free event.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks, the Geophysical Institute, and Alyeska Pipeline Service Company sponsor the 2010 series.

CONTACT: UAA Assistant Professor Cindy Knall: 907-786-1376, . Geophysical Institute information officer Amy Hartley: 907-474-5823,