Webinar to focus hydro power, climate change


Webinar to focus hydro power, climate change

Submitted by Brook Gamble
Phone: 907-474-7812


The Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy will host a statewide webinar Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 10 a.m.

The webinar will focus on water resource management in the face of climate change. The webinar will include a discussion on challenges to managing existing hydropower facilities and planning new infrastructure. University of Alaska Fairbanks research professor Jessie Cherry will be available to answer questions.

For registration, visit www.uaf.edu/accap/teleconference.htm and follow the teleconference links or call 907-474-7812.

CONTACT: Brook Gamble, ACCAP outreach and education specialist, at 907-474-7812 or e-mail accap@uaf.edu.

ON THE WEB: For registration and dial-in instructions, visit www.uaf.edu/accap/teleconference.htm.
